Report Abuse
How to Submit the complaint
- Complainant needs to fill the whois reporting form available below.
- Enter the domain name and describe the whois inaccuracy.
- Enter you name and email address on which you wish to receive our reply.
- Click Submit.
Process to address whois inaccuracy complaint
- Hostingcentre Abuse team will send a mail to the Registrant of the domain name asking them to correct the whois details of their domain name within the 7 days.
- If the Registrant fails to modify the whois details / fails to update the registrar with the sufficient proof to prove that the current / modified whois details are accurate; the domain name will be suspended for whois inaccuracy after the allotted 7 day period gets over.
Report False Whois
Report Whois Data Inaccuracy
If you feel that a domain name registered through us is displaying Inaccurate Contact Details, then please report the same to our Abuse Desk. This can be accomplished by entering the requested data in the form below and clicking on the Submit button.