cPanel - IP Blocker
· How to block and unblock IP using IP blocker in cPanel?
Deny Access to an IP Address or Domain
To deny access to a specific IP address or Domain name, follow these steps −
Step 1 − Open cPanel IP Blocker by clicking on the IP Blocker Link found under the security section of cPanel Home.
Step 2 − In Add an IP or Range, enter your IP address or Domain Name or Range.
Step 3 − Press Add Button to block that IP address or Range to access your website.
Remove an IP from the Denied List
You can allow access to a denied IP address or Range, by following these steps −
Step 1 − Open cPanel IP Blocker by clicking on IP Blocker Link found under the security section of cPanel Home.
Step 2 − Scroll down to find Currently–Blocked IP Addresses. Find The IP address or Range you want to remove and click on Delete link.
Step 3 − It will ask you for confirmation, click on Remove IP. It will remove the IP from blocked list and will give back the permission to access your site.